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Massage therapy offers a multitude of benefits that encompass both physical healing and relaxation. For individuals recovering from injuries, massage can be an integral part of the healing process. By targeting affected areas, massage helps reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and promote the repair of damaged tissues. The techniques employed by our skilled therapists can alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and accelerate the overall recovery process, enabling you to regain optimal functionality.

In the aftermath of car accidents, massage therapy can be particularly beneficial for those who have suffered whiplash or other soft tissue injuries. By addressing muscle tension, reducing scar tissue formation, and promoting circulation, massage can help relieve pain and restore mobility.

Beyond injury recovery, massage is an excellent method for relaxation and stress reduction. In our fast-paced lives, it’s essential to take time for self-care, and massage therapy offers the perfect opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate. Through the soothing power of touch, massage promotes deep relaxation, calms the nervous system, and reduces stress hormones in the body. This relaxation response not only brings immediate relief but also has long-term benefits, such as improved sleep quality and increased energy levels. Whether you’re seeking relief from injuries, recovering from a car accident, or simply craving relaxation, our skilled massage therapists will provide a personalized treatment to meet your specific needs.


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What Types Of Massage/Manual Therapy Does New Day Aesthetic Medicine Offer?

Dr Jorgenson provides medical massage and other physical medicine modalities to treat a wide range of conditions. He has a long history of working on patients for motor vehicle injuries, patients with restricted mobility, and numerous pain conditions. Much of Dr Jorgenson’s work focuses on fascial release and trigger point work. He also occasionally includes other modalities such as shockwave which can aid in pain reduction, stimulating a healing response, and at times assist with breaking down scar tissue.

Most patients come to see Dr Jorgenson for deeper medical conditions, but he can work with preventative treatments and relaxation as well. Typically his treatments can be intense but working toward the goal of correcting underlying pathologies.

Scott Klein LAc utilizes manual therapy techniques including: craniosacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, viceral manipulation, shiatsu, acupressure, and reflexology. All of Scott’s treatments are performed through a patients clothing, and can include chair massage or table treatments. For optimal results Scott recommends treatments combining both manual therapy and acupuncture.

At New Day Aesthetic Medicine, Dr Jorgenson and Scott Klein LAc provide massage services under the parent company Oregon Center for Optimal Health. By seeing patients through OCOH at New Day Aesthetic Medicine, patients may have their treatments covered by insurance.


Benefits Of Massage/Manual Therapy

Massage and manual therapy:

  • Customizable treatment that meets your specific needs
  • Increase local blood flow
  • Decreases muscle tension/hypertonicity
  • Assist with range of motion
  • Aid in injury recovery
  • May be covered by your insurance
  • Results with no surgery, needles, or surgical involvement

Massage/Manual Therapy FAQ

Interested In Learning More About Massage At New Day Aesthetic Medicine?

If you are ready to address soft tissue complaints that you have not been able to correct with other treatments, Dr Jorgenson may be able to help. Dr Jorgenson has a loyal following of clients due to his focused work and the results he can achieve. While we can never guarantee the outcome of a case, we will always try our hardest to improve our patients to the best of our abilities. Contact New Day Aesthetic Medicine today to find out more.

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